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Managing the training process with impact data is key to achieve effective staff management.

“What is not measured cannot be managed.”


Ensuring effective talent management is a key imperative for both organizations and their leaders.

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Currently, the challenges for talent and training managers are:

Understanding business needs and translating them into KPIs.

Having end-to-end visibility of the process.

Systematizing measurements.

Making decisions with accurate, relevant and timely data.

Implement a Business Analytics Program to manage the impact of your training 

Map your training process end to end.

Create a process management dashboard with its key indicators and correlations.

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Analyze all the interactions with the stakeholders of the business.

Establish a governance for the process while integrating the stakeholders.

Identify the key indicators of effectiveness and impact of the process.


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Ability to control the training process end to end.

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Interactive dashboard for ongoing management.

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Practice and a toolkit to identify business needs and translate them into KPIs.

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Alignment of business needs and training plans.

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Comprehensive measurement of training using process and result indicators.

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Strengthening of the relationship between staff training and business.

Service characteristics

Survey carried out by experts of the current training process and technologies

Identification of process and result KPIs

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Survey of data sources and integrations

Development of a process management dashboard and results by business analytics experts

Configuration of the governance and monitoring process.

Training in process management.

Implementation schedule

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